Kitchen Chemistry

For KC club Miss McLay-Boyd is taking different groups to do Kitchen Chemistry. We do different experiments that you can try at home.

Week 1 - Oobleck

We needed: cornflour, water, green food colouring

We put the cornflour and a few drops of food colouring into a container.
Then we added a little bit of water to the mixture.
We mixed it up and made Oobleck.
It is an ooey, gooey, green slime. It is special because it is a liquid that goes hard when you squeeze it!

Week 2 - Playdough

We needed: flour, salt, food colouring and water

We put 1 cup of flour, 1/2 a cup of salt and a few drops of food colouring in the container.
Then we added water just a little bit at a time and mixed it in.
We put a little bit of glitter in to add a bit of sparkle.
It turned into sparkly playdough!

Week 3 - Sand Volcano

We needed: sand, vinegar, baking soda, red food colouring

We made a volcano in the sandpit.
Then we put a hole in the top.
In the hole we added baking soda and a few drops of food colouring.
We poured the vinegar on top of the baking soda and watched it explode!

Week 4 - Moving Milk

We needed: milk, food colouring and dishwashing liquid

We poured a little bit of milk onto a plate.
Then we added a few drops of different colours.
We put a little blob of dishwashing liquid in the milk.
The milk started moving and mixing all of the colours without being touched!

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