Thursday, April 11, 2013

We saw smoke...

We saw smoke...where was it coming from?
We went to investigate. It was over the road. There was a digger and a roller and a big truck. The digger was digging very slowly and putting it into the big truck. There was a fire. Room 1 thought that they were making a new fence. I thought that too. It was on the side of the street. We went to see it. I liked watching the fire and I hope Room 1 liked it too. Then we went back to class to write about it. It was out of bounds.
By Niketa 

I saw a fire on the corner of the road. It was cool.
By Ashton

I saw a fire at the house. I saw a roller. Room 1 all saw a digger, a roller and a dump truck too. It was across the road, out of school and around the corner, on the same road as school.
By Asher


  1. Great writing Room 1. It was a bit of a surprise to see what sort of fire it was! They were just burning their rubbish. You were lucky to see the big truck as well. Room 2 didn't get out there in time to see it. I wonder why they had a roller there? Did you see it do any work?
    Mrs Scott

    1. Hi Mrs Scott,

      Sorry you didn't get to see the truck. It was huge. We didn't see the roller do anything. Brooklyn thinks it might have run out of gas. We think it might have flattened the dirt so they can put something new there.

      From Room 1

  2. What great stories! It must have been fun investigating where the smoke was coming from.

  3. Dear Room 1
    I like your cool storys about the smoke.I thought it was a fire when I saw it.
    From Amelia

  4. Hi Room 1
    I heard all about the fire too! But I didn't get to see it up close. Thanks to your photos, I can now see what everyone was talking about.

    I wonder what the 'digger was putting into the truck'?

    From Mrs Paton

    1. Hi Mrs Paton,

      We saw the digger putting dirt in the truck. We are glad you like our photos.

      From Room 1
