Friday, June 28, 2013

The Amazing Miss Loynes

For the last four weeks we have been really lucky to have Miss Loynes teach us in Room 1.

She has done lots of cool things with us like teaching us to tell the time, reading, writing and Trash to WOW.

Today is her last day and as a special treat for us she showed us some of the tricks she used to do when she worked in the CIRCUS!!! The whole school came out to watch.

We think she is amazing and we will miss her a lot!


  1. Miss Loynes is amazing at doing tricks, she must practice alot of times - like a year.

    It is amazing!

    Hannah, Room 1

    1. You are right Hannah she did have to practice a lot. Miss Loynes has actually been doing it for a few years and before she was in the circus she did lots of dancing and exercise to make herself fit and strong enough to get up into the hoop. I think it would be cool to see her on the flying trapeze one day because she can do that too!
